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AbstractRasterOp - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
Abstract implementation of RasterOp.
AbstractRasterOp() - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.AbstractRasterOp
ACTIVE - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Active icon state.


CachingIconBundle - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
Wrapper around an existing implementation of IconBundle that caches images.
CachingIconBundle(IconBundle) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.CachingIconBundle
Create a new caching icon bundle which wraps the specified icon bundle.
createCompatibleDestRaster(Raster) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.AbstractRasterOp


DEFAULT_128X128 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 128x128 icon size.
DEFAULT_16X16 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 16x16 icon size.
DEFAULT_24X24 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 24x24 icon size.
DEFAULT_32X32 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 32x32 icon size.
DEFAULT_48X48 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 48x48 icon size.
DEFAULT_64X64 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 64x64 icon size.
DEFAULT_96X96 - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Default 96x96 icon size.
DISABLED - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Disabled icon state.
DRAGGING - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Dragging icon state.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Override equals and make it final to prevent subclasses from changing the implementation.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey


filter(Raster, WritableRaster) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.SelectionRasterOp


getBounds2D(Raster) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.AbstractRasterOp
getDirection() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey
Return the icon text direction of this key.
getHeight() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Return the icon height.
getImage(Component, IconTextDirection, IconState, IconSize) - Method in interface org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconBundle
Return an icon image in the specified icon text direction, size, and state suitable for the specified component.
getImage(Component, IconTextDirection, IconState, IconSize) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.CachingIconBundle
Return an icon image in the specified icon text direction, size, and state suitable for the specified component.
getImage(Component, IconTextDirection, IconState, IconSize) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.PNGIconBundle
Return an icon image in the specified icon text direction, size, and state suitable for the specified component.
getImage(Component, IconTextDirection, IconState, IconSize) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.ShapeIconBundle
Return an icon image in the specified icon text direction, size, and state suitable for the specified component.
getPoint2D(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.AbstractRasterOp
getRenderingHints() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.AbstractRasterOp
getSize() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey
Return the icon size of this key.
getState() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey
Return the icon state of this key.
getWidth() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Return the icon width.


hashCode() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Override hashCode and make it final to prevent subclasses from changing the implementation.
hashCode() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey


IconBundle - Interface in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
A bundle of variants of a particular icon image, for different text directions, sizes, and states.
IconBundleKey - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
A compound key of icon text direction, icon state, and icon size.
IconBundleKey(IconTextDirection, IconState, IconSize) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey
Create a new compound key with the specified icon text direction, icon state, and icon size.
IconBundleUtils - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
IconBundle static utility class.
IconSize - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Extensible typesafe enumeration of icon sizes.
IconSize(int, int) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Create a new icon size with the specified width and height.
IconState - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Typesafe enumeration of icon states.
IconTextDirection - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Typesafe enumeration of icon text directions.
invalidateCache() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.CachingIconBundle
Invalidate the cache of images.
isActive() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.ACTIVE.
isDisabled() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.DISABLED.
isDragging() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.DRAGGING.
isMouseover() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.MOUSEOVER.
isNormal() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.NORMAL.
isSelected() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.SELECTED.
isSelectedMouseover() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.SELECTED_MOUSEOVER.


LEFT_TO_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconTextDirection
Left-to-right horizontal text direction.


makeActive(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleUtils
Make the specified source image active.
makeDisabled(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleUtils
Make the specified source image disabled.
makeDragging(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleUtils
Make the specified source image dragging.
makeMouseover(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleUtils
Make the specified source image mouseover.
makeSelected(BufferedImage, Color) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleUtils
Make the specified source image selected.
makeSelectedMouseover(BufferedImage, Color) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleUtils
Make the specified source image selected mouseover.
MOUSEOVER - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Mouseover icon state.


NORMAL - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Normal icon state.


org.dishevelled.iconbundle - package org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Bundles of variants for icon images.
org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl - package org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
Implementations of the IconBundle interface.


PNGIconBundle - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
Icon bundle derived from a single base image in PNG format.
PNGIconBundle(File) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.PNGIconBundle
Create a new PNG icon bundle from a base image that will be read from the specified file.
PNGIconBundle(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.PNGIconBundle
Create a new PNG icon bundle from a base image that will be read from the specified input stream.
PNGIconBundle(ImageInputStream) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.PNGIconBundle
Create a new PNG icon bundle from a base image that will be read from the specified image input stream.
PNGIconBundle(URL) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.PNGIconBundle
Create a new PNG icon bundle from a base image that will be read from the specified URL.
PNGIconBundle(String) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.PNGIconBundle
Create a new PNG icon bundle from a base image name.


readResolve() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Override readResolve to return the proper static final enumeration values.
RIGHT_TO_LEFT - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconTextDirection
Right-to-left horizontal text direction.


SELECTED - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Selected icon state.
SELECTED_MOUSEOVER - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Selected mouseover icon state.
SelectionRasterOp - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
Selection RasterOp.
SelectionRasterOp(Color) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.SelectionRasterOp
Create a new selection RasterOp with the specified selection color.
ShapeIconBundle - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
Shape icon bundle.
ShapeIconBundle(Shape, Stroke, Paint, Paint) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.ShapeIconBundle
Create a new shape icon bundle with the specified shape, stroke, and paints.


toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Return the string value of width + "x" + height.
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return the state name.
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconTextDirection
Return the text direction name.
toString() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey


VALUES - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Public list of default enumeration values.
VALUES - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Public list of enumeration values.
VALUES - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconTextDirection
Public list of enumeration values.
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Copyright (c) 2003-2013 held jointly by the individual authors. Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).